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<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Summary_payments extends Summary_report
function __construct()
protected function _get_data_columns()
return array(
array('payment_type' => $this->lang->line('reports_payment_type')),
array('report_count' => $this->lang->line('reports_count')),
array('amount_tendered' => $this->lang->line('sales_amount_tendered'), 'sorter' => 'number_sorter'));
protected function _where(array $inputs)
$this->db->where('DATE(sales.sale_time) BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape($inputs['start_date']) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape($inputs['end_date']));
$this->db->where('sales.sale_time BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($inputs['start_date'])) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($inputs['end_date'])));
public function getData(array $inputs)
$this->db->select('sales_payments.payment_type, count(*) AS count, SUM(sales_payments.payment_amount) AS payment_amount');
$this->db->from('sales_payments AS sales_payments');
$this->db->join('sales AS sales', 'sales.sale_id = sales_payments.sale_id');
$payments = $this->db->get()->result_array();
$gift_card_count = 0;
$gift_card_amount = 0;
foreach($payments as $key=>$payment)
if(strstr($payment['payment_type'], $this->lang->line('sales_giftcard')) != FALSE)
$gift_card_count += $payment['count'];
$gift_card_amount += $payment['payment_amount'];
if($gift_card_count > 0)
$payments[] = array('payment_type' => $this->lang->line('sales_giftcard'), 'count' => $gift_card_count, 'payment_amount' => $gift_card_amount);
return $payments;