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// Name of function same as mentioned in Hooks Config
function db_log_queries()
$CI = & get_instance();
// check if database logging is enabled (see config/config.php)
// Creating Query Log file with today's date in application/logs folder
$filepath = APPPATH . 'logs/Query-log-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.php';
// Opening file with pointer at the end of the file
$handle = fopen($filepath, "a+");
// Get execution time of all the queries executed by controller
$times = $CI->db->query_times;
foreach ($CI->db->queries as $key => $query)
// Generating SQL file alongwith execution time
$sql = $query . " \n Execution Time:" . $times[$key];
// Writing it in the log file
fwrite($handle, $sql . "\n\n");
// Close the file